June 29th back into CHI O hare till July 5th 100 HH 160 HR OHHHHH went to POOL< some pool BIKINI Pics!!!

CHICAGO travel, staying awhile etc me,,, 
O hare,, HIllside and oakbrook , anywhere else , ?
I know this is weird for U guys,,know u use bp, and in and out in 24/7,, but umm, not me,, i can feel my body ,(LOL) need sleep & work nursing, also) 
 but I am staying awhile ,, just another week or 3  in there,, ****2 reasons***1 to do Nursing shifts on & off  & 2 meet people,* TRUST ME  since been back past yr and half it works, i found dont like , 2 or 3 cities for people and 1 for allergies,,,  but once know city, people ,places,, becomes much better for both of us, and hen can get to funs tuff like videos, webcam talking to u, not just answering 100 new txt everyday,,, 
i had on ad * I think i just put on blog in case ___ad keep getting taken down, 
Just back past year or so & found have to find what cities I like to travel nursing, & see people again,**SOOOO i know It does get easier, funnier,  for me in winter etc if know, which  places like for both , **& i  come thru , do nursing, take a week have fun w those I know ,leave,,4 shift a month is what need PRN status, but if i am unsure I run back to OHO< ( where got degree, do few days , run back, also do same for see ,DR, every 4/6 wks,  make sure all okay dokay!!!!
FOR PAST & YEARS , been in Florida, just doing ,  Nursing ,taking care of myself,  so,Now  daughter off to college ...Now Back to what i like, TRAVEL, NURSING AND COMPANY,,,i make few clips for u, But didnt love webca, member site stuff, Like contact,, remember,,LOL,, love u 
 Toni b

Next post LINGERIE< HEELS< NYLONS from MONDAY 26TH Video also Loe ya,, be around chicago , meet new people O hare now
run into OHIo JUly 5,6th be back hillside July 7th then Oakbrook,, till i do that deposition and be done, but hopefully meet some new people  
Love u,, Toni Benz 
