Sunday march 28 vid explaining


But most of u know. Wtf

i know bit if i defend myself i get threats. So i take it

Its like i say. You think it be easier call me pick up say ok. And politer.i agree but we are wrong . now adays if i politely say not ava but wanted intro myself or i know i missed just saying hi. Intro myself

I dont get;thank you. I get what the fuck do u. Want now... i asked u two hrs ago. 


I did finally figure it out. And. Jesus. But well i wrote rest out

 Tht things u might be ;thinking or wondering but. It. Makes sense once u know

Too care elderly. Helped;next;generation in family

When  came cle got sick sick.nephrotic syndrom 

 almost died.  Everyone left me

They threw away all i owned

Put me in homeless shelter

Lost bank acct cars storage unit. Savinga conputer phones

Threw away everything incl

I didnt  even own a bra or thong

So took me this long,...get back Half recover etc.  

Oh it gets worse but I wont bore a family member pushed me broke nose forehead. So much stress stress hives.  Got to 106 lbs 

Ohh im ok ,,,,are you kidding.  Feel so good compared  to,,...

So im  great now compared to
