10.\28 m coming.Sexy...what? 😘. Funny adult before delete b&b 4u . & Thank u. Made it to my. Dr. Get back to healthy toni. Trying to get out tonight till then. Proof ./laugh at stuff

Sorry. As i said. Had to run into. Pittsburgh a .day. ..

me in pitt monday. Thank u
Last taken pic below

someone SENt me. Sorry quAlity

Unsure what uploaded. Ill have look at slow time . the net.

Its all u can do but see.   What happen phone #  UMMM same with a review in heard about.    Some gentlemen.   When. They hear no or. In that case didnt even see a txt

But again u guys. Its why I say learned.   Now look at reviews ter u say for timeline I was gone almost 10 years 

I never used. Idiot phones .lol Didnt know how much had changed. .it isn't us.      You want the. Convenience of. Times of. Day. 

So I just say ok to 1 .u only wanted answered if around ...

I use to say just wanted introduce myself.  Know missed you.

Literally. I hear. Wtf do u want.  So and they don't stop. Just like the PHONe #    change. Wasn't .me.  It was they become vindictive 

Umm that is just the nicest comment.   ..lol

 And proof. Went. Dr .

I dont know.   What happened to ne Ohio. But took a friend couldn't get antibiotic for 6months. Pneumonia

Same with daughter.  .the. See people thing. Part of it is u use WORST sites out there. 

And proof.  Transferring. Did. Videos. For ya.  .

Got a balance board and. Waist. Chincher.  Reminds me. Straight while texting 

But funny part. See how if u have boobs your options. Are to look chubby and homeless or slutty

Hey. U know im ok with.   But. U know..   Even said can take outfit s of taxes ...he said. Can u wear in public ...

Can I. ? Or would I .? 

Lol.  Love ya.    I use everything to get to dr working on get a place

 That stupid last place. Didnt verify stay so my emergency 3 free days. Locked.  Been on phone hrs a day with the j...ass

OMG did u know. Pa tolls.  25 apiece now I see how they can offer no taxes. Lol

See not much makes me upset.   Why. Should it.    But I am Like a guy. Strip.bar and poker

Last time saw anyone. Had football on.   Football and toni. Anyone 


All the up and down and drama. Well o take that back.  Cause what has shocked Me most 

Now guys act like the girl a and. Damn it . u were my buddies 

Literally one went to Avn with. Me

A short person and walked around with .my blog s in his head. .one

Went shoots with  Me....held camera. But. He went to stare 

THATS what sites like only fans use to be for.    They held those. Were else can workout naked and take pics or moon. The crab boats in MD .
